Hydrotherapy Montreal

Naturopathic Practitioner

204 Rue du Saint-Sacrement, St #300, Montréal, Quebec, H2Y 1W8, Canada

Hydrotherapy Montreal is a modern center of alternative medicine in Montreal, whose services are focused on restoring the effective functioning of your body. The main activities of the center are hydrotherapy, liver cleaning, and spa services.

Technologies that are used by our center have been improved over the centuries of practical applications, but due to progress, we can make therapy procedures even more effective and comfortable for customers.
The specialists of the center will conduct a deep diagnosis of your rectum and, guided by the received data, will select for you the optimal method of therapy. Due to highly qualified staff, modern technology, and equipment. Your staying in the Source de la Vie center will leave only positive impressions.
The colon irrigation will help you to feel lightness again, lose weight, and free the body from unnecessary toxins and food that got stacked there. In addition, the hydro colon therapy method provides reliable prevention of colorectal cancer. More than a decade of experience and a lot of positive feedback confirms the high efficiency of this procedure.