Jensen Consulting and Tax Services

Tax Preparation Service

944 Bracken St N, Twin Falls, Idaho, 83301, USA

(208) 405-5659

Nathan is a ceritified Paid Tax Preparer located near Twin Falls, ID. He serves clients Nationwide and Worldwide. Paid Tax Preparers and Enrolled Agents have earned the privilege of representing taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service by passing three comprehensive IRS exams covering individual taxes, business taxes, and ethics and enrolling to be paid for their services. This is the highest certification level the IRS offers. Nathan does your tax returns from start to finish. Your data and personal information are entirely secure. Nathan has the PTIN status now required by IRS for professional tax preparers and he meets all Continuing Professional Education (CPE) requirements. Nathan wants to guide each and every one of his clients through the ever changing tax laws. Nathan founded his firm in 2016, Nathan is a businessman with a double bachelor’s degree in Business and Accounting. As of right now, Nathan is working to become more certified and continues to learn more about this industry every year. Nathan commits himself to hard work and guarantees professional services. Nathan also guarantees compliance with all tax laws.